Batch apex class to update a field
The requirement is i need to write a Batch Apex Class to update Case status field to close when related tickets field status is closed. The update of status should be after 7 days of all the tickets related to a case are closed.
There are two objects who appropriate fields are
- Case (Object) : status (Field)
- Ticket__C (Object) : GLOBAL_Ticket_Status__c (Field).
Note: Ticket__c Has a look up to the Case. So, a case can have multiple tickets but a ticket can only be associated to one case.
The class i have written should do the following steps
- Get all the records of a case whose status is Open, Breached and Escalated.
- List all the tickets associated to a case i.e CaseId = Ticket.Id
- check for all Ticket__c associated to case whose status = closed (if the status of ticket != closed,come out of the loop. Because a case cannot be closed when any of its tickets status #!= closed)
- if all the tickets of a case are closed, update status of a case to close after 7 days of ticket status == close using lastmodifielddate.
Below is the code i could write so far. I need help in modifying the code to make it work
global class CloseCaseBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Schedulable{
private Boolean allClosedTickets;
private String query = 'Select Id, Status from Case WHERE Status = \'Open\' OR ' +
'Status = \'Escalated\' OR' +
'Status = \'Breached\''; // Getting case records whose status is open (or) escalated (or) Breached
// method implemented from Schedulable interface
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc){
//Start Method which retrieves the records of case
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
System.debug('checkcase---' + query); //debugging
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope) {
List<Case> casestatusOEB = (List<Case>)scope; //List of cases
System.debug('checkcase---' +scope); //debugging
Set<ID> caseIDs = new Set<ID>(); // Setting Case id
Map<ID,List<Ticket__c>> CaseID_TicketList = new Map<ID,List<Ticket__c>>(); //mapping case id to ticket__C
for(case getCaserecords : casestatusOEB) {
caseID.put(; // Setting the case ID
List<Ticket__c> ticket = [Select ID, LastModifiedDate , GLOBAL_Ticket_Status__c,
GLOBAL_Goal__c from Ticket__c
where GLOBAL_Goal__c in :caseIDs]; // Listing tickets whose id = Caseid
for(Ticket__c tkt : ticket) {
System.debug('new list of ticket' +ticket);
if (tkt.GLOBAL_Ticket_Status__c == 'closed')
List<Ticket__c> tkt = new List<Ticket__c>();
tkt = CaseID_TicketList.get(ticket.GLOBAL_Goal__c);
else {
tkt.add(ticket); }
// Map case & ticket
allClosedTickets; // validation to check ticket status. if status != closed come out of the loop
for (Ticket__c ticket: scase) { // Ticket loop
System.debug('checkcase---' +ticket); //debugging
// save LastModified date of the highest date
if (ticket.GLOBAL_Ticket_Status__c != 'closed') {
allClosedTickets = false;
//caseIDs.add(ticket.GLOBAL_Goal__c); // case ID of current Records.
if (allClosedTickets = true) { // all closed so Case can be closed
// if lastModifiedDate greater than 7 days then
// add CaseId to casesToUpdate
List<Case> casesToUpdate = new List<Case>(); // getting total tickets of that case and closedticket and if(closedTickets == totalTickets) and all of them are closed. then update the case status to closed after 7 days of a tickets status = closed based on lastmodifieddate >7
for (Id caseID : caseIDs) {
Integer totalTickets = CaseID_TicketList.get(caseID).size();
Integer closedTickets = 0;
for(Ticket__c ticket : CaseID_TicketList.get(caseID)){
if(ticket.GLOBAL_Ticket_Status__c == 'Closed'){
if(closedTickets == totalTickets) {
casesToUpdate.add(new Case(Id = caseID, Status= 'Closed'));
if(!casesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
update casesToUpdate; //updating case status after 7 days"" 7 days logic is missing
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)