Box and Salesforce Integration
In this blog, I am going to explain how to integrate and Salesforce using Apex and VF in order to upload document to Box and to view files present in Box in VF page.
First of all, Create a Box Application.
Create Box content application which will help us to upload files directly from Salesforce to After creating app, copy client_id and client_secret values and specify your VF page URL as redirect_uri in Oauth 2 parameters section.
Now create another application and select Box view application. This will help us to view files in VF page. View API allow to convert files in HTML format for easy display in web pages. Copy view API Key from General information section.
Now Create a custom setting in Salesforce to store client_id,client_secret, access token, refresh token and View API key.
Now Create Remote site setting in order to do call out to
Now create a VF page "boxAuthPage" and apex class "boxAuthPageController". Code is provided in end of this blog. Please scroll down to copy code and paste in your VF and apex class.
Snapshot of VF page:
Store client_id, client_secret, view api key in custom setting record. While creating custom setting record, I have specified "Box_sunil02kumar' as name for custom setting. If you want to use other name, then replace "Box_sunil02kumar' in apex class with your custom setting name.
Open VF page and click on Authorize Box button, system will redirect you to login page where you need to enter you box login credential and then a click grant access to box button.
All folder present in box will be listed in Folders drop down. When you select any particular folder, all files present in that folder will appear in page block table. When you click on "View" link, file will open on right side of page.
If you have box account, then use below url to test the functionality. Create folders in your box account and upload pdf and doc files in it. If you upload files with already existing file name in Box folder, then you will get error.
I have built this page for demo. So every time you refresh this page, you need to again authorize it by clicking on Authorize box button. Actually I am not storing access token or refresh token or any user credentials and also scope of these variables are same as that of VF page. Also client id, client secret and access tokens are not displayed in demo page but if you follow all steps mentioned above including custom setting and remote site setting, then you will get complete UI.
Important information which will help you to understand apex class:
Code for VF and apex class:
First of all, Create a Box Application.
Create Box content application which will help us to upload files directly from Salesforce to After creating app, copy client_id and client_secret values and specify your VF page URL as redirect_uri in Oauth 2 parameters section.
Now create another application and select Box view application. This will help us to view files in VF page. View API allow to convert files in HTML format for easy display in web pages. Copy view API Key from General information section.
Now Create a custom setting in Salesforce to store client_id,client_secret, access token, refresh token and View API key.
Now Create Remote site setting in order to do call out to
Now create a VF page "boxAuthPage" and apex class "boxAuthPageController". Code is provided in end of this blog. Please scroll down to copy code and paste in your VF and apex class.
Snapshot of VF page:
Store client_id, client_secret, view api key in custom setting record. While creating custom setting record, I have specified "Box_sunil02kumar' as name for custom setting. If you want to use other name, then replace "Box_sunil02kumar' in apex class with your custom setting name.
Open VF page and click on Authorize Box button, system will redirect you to login page where you need to enter you box login credential and then a click grant access to box button.
All folder present in box will be listed in Folders drop down. When you select any particular folder, all files present in that folder will appear in page block table. When you click on "View" link, file will open on right side of page.
If you have box account, then use below url to test the functionality. Create folders in your box account and upload pdf and doc files in it. If you upload files with already existing file name in Box folder, then you will get error.
I have built this page for demo. So every time you refresh this page, you need to again authorize it by clicking on Authorize box button. Actually I am not storing access token or refresh token or any user credentials and also scope of these variables are same as that of VF page. Also client id, client secret and access tokens are not displayed in demo page but if you follow all steps mentioned above including custom setting and remote site setting, then you will get complete UI.
Important information which will help you to understand apex class:
- Uploading data into uses content type as multipart/form-data.
- You can not send a file to server which is expecting a binary. So you need to encode the base64 in binary supported format.
- In order to view document, first you need to send request to get temporary download URL by sending file id to Temporary download URL is returned in response Location header. This URL can be used to download file.
- Once you get temporary download URL, sent request to to get temporary document id. In HTTPRequest, you need to pass temporary download URL in body.
- Now this document id which you get in response can be used to generate session id for file which will be used to view file in iframe in VF page. When you do call out to get session id, pass temporary document id in request body.
- If file is processed by and is ready to view, then in response you will get session id. If your request is accepted but file is not yet converted to HTML format then in response header, you will time duration after which file will be ready. This information is present in 'retry' header in response.
- Once you get file session id from, then you use it view file in iframe in your VF page by using URL:'+fileSessionId+'/view
- You can upload any type of file to box folder.
- Before uploading any file, please select folder in which you want to upload file.
- As per my knowledge, View API doesn't support jpg and png images.
- You can easily view any pdf or word file from Box in SFDC using view api.
- You can also specify download URL. Please refer Box content view API for this.
- In apex, code is specified to get file download URL in FindFileDownloadUrl method in apex class.
Code for VF and apex class:
/* | |
Author: Sunil Kumar | |
Purpose: Uploading and Downloading file from BOX | |
*/ | |
public class BoxAuthController { | |
//Variables for Oauth | |
public String Authcode{get;set;} | |
public String AccessToken{get;set;} | |
public String RefreshToken{get;set;} | |
public String clientid{get;set;} | |
public String client_secret{get;set;} | |
public String API_Key{get;set;} | |
public String ViewAPI_Key{get;set;} | |
public String securitycode; | |
//Other for Viewing File | |
public String Response{get;set;} //response from | |
public String endPointURL{get;set;} | |
public String FileViewUrl{get;set;} | |
public String selectedFolder{get;set;} | |
//map to store file id and file name present in box | |
public Map<String,String>folderIdToNameMap=new Map<String,String>(); | |
//Variable to store all folder information in this wrapper | |
public FoldersInfo folderDetails{get;set;} | |
//list to dispaly file list in UI | |
public List<entry> fileList{get;set;} | |
//variables for file upload | |
public blob uploadContent{get;set;} | |
public String uploadFilename{get;set;} | |
//Constructor | |
public BoxAuthController(){ | |
Authcode=ApexPages.currentPage().getparameters().get('code'); | |
securitycode=ApexPages.currentPage().getparameters().get('state'); | |
clientid=skforce__Box_com_parameters__c.getValues('Box_sunil02kumar').skforce__client_id__c; | |
client_secret=skforce__Box_com_parameters__c.getValues('Box_sunil02kumar').skforce__client_secret__c; | |
ViewAPI_Key=skforce__Box_com_parameters__c.getValues('Box_sunil02kumar').skforce__View_API_Key__c; | |
AccessToken=skforce__Box_com_parameters__c.getValues('Box_sunil02kumar').skforce__Access_Token__c; | |
RefreshToken=skforce__Box_com_parameters__c.getValues('Box_sunil02kumar').skforce__Refresh_Token__c; | |
endPointURL=''; | |
folderDetails=new FoldersInfo(); | |
fileList=new List<entry>(); | |
} | |
//method to fetch files details from folder Response | |
public void FindFileList(FoldersInfo folderDetails){ | |
fileList=new List<entry>(); | |
if(selectedFolder!=null && selectedFolder!=''){ | |
if(folderDetails.item_collection!=null){ | |
if(folderDetails.item_collection.entries.size()>0){ | |
for(entry en: folderDetails.item_collection.entries){ | |
if(en.type.equalsignorecase('file')){ | |
fileList.add(en); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
public List<selectoption> getAllFoldersList(){ | |
List<selectoption> options=new List<selectoption>(); | |
options.add(new selectoption('','--None--')); | |
if(folderIdToNameMap.size()>0){ | |
for(String ss:folderIdToNameMap.keyset()){ | |
options.add(new selectoption(ss,folderIdToNameMap.get(ss))); | |
} | |
} | |
return options; | |
} | |
//Method to get get Authorization code after validating user on Box server | |
public Pagereference AutorizeBox(){ | |
String endpointUrl1=''+clientid+'&state=symcsk02'; | |
pageReference pag=new pageReference(endpointUrl1); | |
pag.setRedirect(true); | |
return pag; | |
} | |
//Method to find Access Token using AuthCode | |
public Pagereference FindAccessToken(){ | |
Response=''; | |
system.debug('*******Authcode:'+Authcode); | |
if(Authcode!=null && Authcode!='' && securitycode=='symcsk02'){ | |
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); | |
//endPointURL=''+Authcode+'&client_id='+clientid+'&client_secret='+client_secret+'&grant_type=authorization_code'; | |
endPointURL=''; | |
System.debug('******endPointURL:'+endPointURL); | |
req.setEndpoint(endPointURL); | |
req.setMethod('POST'); | |
req.setHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); | |
String bb='grant_type=authorization_code'; | |
req.setbody('grant_type=authorization_code'+ | |
'&code='+Authcode+ | |
'&client_id='+clientid+ | |
'&client_secret='+client_secret); | |
req.setHeader('Accept','application/json'); | |
Http http = new Http(); | |
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req); | |
Response=res.getBody(); | |
Integer statusCode=res.getStatusCode(); | |
System.debug(Response); | |
// Parse JSON response to get refresh_token values. | |
JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(Response); | |
while (parser.nextToken() != null) { | |
if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME)){ | |
String fieldName = parser.getText(); | |
parser.nextToken(); | |
if(fieldName == 'access_token') { | |
AccessToken= parser.getText(); | |
}if(fieldName == 'refresh_token') { | |
RefreshToken= parser.getText(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
//fetch all folders details from BOX account by doing Callout | |
FindAllAvailableBoxFolders(); | |
//always remeber that don't perform DML before callout | |
updateBoxCustomSetting(); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
//Update access token and refresh token to custom setting | |
public void updateBoxCustomSetting(){ | |
try{ | |
List<skforce__Box_com_parameters__c> bx=[SELECT id,skforce__Access_Token__c, skforce__client_id__c, skforce__client_secret__c, skforce__Refresh_Token__c FROM skforce__Box_com_parameters__c | |
where name='Box_sunil02kumar' limit 1] ; | |
bx[0].skforce__Access_Token__c=AccessToken; | |
bx[0].skforce__Refresh_Token__c =RefreshToken; | |
update bx[0]; | |
}catch(exception e){ | |
system.debug('*********Exception while updating custom setting:'+e.getmessage()); | |
} | |
} | |
public PageReference SearchFolders(){ | |
FindAllAvailableBoxFolders(); | |
return null; | |
} | |
//This method will do callout and find out all available folders from Box | |
public void FindAllAvailableBoxFolders(){ | |
Response=''; | |
folderDetails = new FoldersInfo(); | |
fileList=new List<entry>(); | |
//The root folder of a Box account is always represented by the id “0”. | |
String boxPointURL=''; | |
Map<String,String>headers=new Map<String,String>(); | |
headers.put('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); | |
headers.put('Accept','application/json'); | |
headers.put('Authorization','Bearer ' + accessToken); | |
HTTPRequest req=createHTTPReq('', boxPointURL,'GET',headers); | |
//do call out to fetch folders details | |
HTTPResponse res=sendHttpRequest(req); | |
Response=res.getBody(); | |
System.debug('**Folder Response:'+Response); | |
//parse JSON response | |
integer responseStatusCode=res.getStatusCode(); | |
if(responseStatusCode==200){ | |
folderDetails = (FoldersInfo )JSON.deserialize(Response,FoldersInfo.class); | |
system.debug('********folderDetails :'+folderDetails ); | |
if(folderDetails.item_collection.entries.size()>0){ | |
for(entry en: folderDetails.item_collection.entries){ | |
if(en.type.equalsignorecase('folder')){ | |
folderIdToNameMap.put(,; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
system.debug('******folderIdToNameMap:'+folderIdToNameMap); | |
} | |
//****code to find files present in different folders | |
public Pagereference FindFilesFromFolder(){ | |
Response=''; | |
FileViewUrl=''; | |
folderDetails = new FoldersInfo(); | |
fileList=new List<entry>(); | |
if(selectedFolder!=null && selectedFolder!=''){ | |
String endpointURLForFiles = ''+selectedFolder; | |
system.debug('*******endpointURLForFiles '+endpointURLForFiles ); | |
Map<String,String>headers=new Map<String,String>(); | |
headers.put('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); | |
headers.put('Accept','application/json'); | |
headers.put('Authorization','Bearer ' + accessToken); | |
HTTPRequest req=createHTTPReq('', endpointURLForFiles ,'GET',headers); | |
//Now send request to fetch files details | |
HTTPResponse res=sendHttpRequest(req); | |
Response=res.getBody(); | |
System.debug('**Files Response:'+Response); | |
//parse file response json | |
folderDetails = (FoldersInfo )JSON.deserialize(Response,FoldersInfo.class); | |
system.debug('********folderDetails :'+folderDetails ); | |
//find file list from respone to display in ui | |
FindFileList(folderDetails); | |
}else{ | |
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Please select folder.')); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
//Code to download file from Box | |
public String selectedFileId{get;set;} | |
public PageReference ViewFile(){ | |
system.debug('*****selectedFileId:'+selectedFileId); | |
String fileDownloadUrl=''; | |
String tempDocumentid=''; | |
String fileSessionId=''; | |
if(selectedFileId!=null && selectedFileId!=''){ | |
fileDownloadUrl=FindFileDownloadUrl(selectedFileId); | |
if(fileDownloadUrl!=null && fileDownloadUrl!=''){ | |
tempDocumentid=FindTempDocumentId(fileDownloadUrl); | |
} | |
if(tempDocumentid!=null && tempDocumentid!=''){ | |
fileSessionId=FindSessionIdForViewingFile(tempDocumentid); | |
while(fileSessionId=='retry'){ | |
fileSessionId=FindSessionIdForViewingFile(tempDocumentid); | |
} | |
FileViewUrl=''+fileSessionId+'/view?theme=dark'; | |
} | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
//method to do call out to find out file download URL | |
public String FindFileDownloadUrl(String selectedFileId){ | |
String downloadUrl=''; | |
Response=''; | |
if(selectedFileId!=null && selectedFileId!=''){ | |
String endPointURLToViewFile=''+selectedFileId+'/content'; | |
Map<String,String>headers=new Map<String,String>(); | |
headers.put('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); | |
headers.put('Content-Type','application/json'); | |
headers.put('Accept','application/json'); | |
HTTPRequest req=createHTTPReq('', endPointURLToViewFile,'GET',headers); | |
//Now send request to fetch files details | |
HTTPResponse res=sendHttpRequest(req); | |
Response=res.getBody(); | |
System.debug('**File Download Response:'+Response); | |
downloadUrl=res.getHeader('Location'); | |
system.debug('*******downloadUrl='+downloadUrl); | |
} | |
return downloadUrl; | |
} | |
//method to do call out to find temp Document Id | |
public String FindTempDocumentId(String downloadUrl){ | |
String documentTempid=''; | |
Response=''; | |
if(downloadUrl!=null && downloadUrl!=''){ | |
String endPointURLForTempDocId=''; | |
Map<String,String>headers=new Map<String,String>(); | |
headers.put('Authorization', 'Token ' + ViewAPI_Key); | |
headers.put('Content-Type','application/json'); | |
headers.put('Accept','application/json'); | |
String reqBody='{"url":"'+downloadUrl+'"}'; | |
HTTPRequest req=createHTTPReq(reqBody, endPointURLForTempDocId, 'GET', headers); | |
//Now send request to fetch files details | |
HTTPResponse res=sendHttpRequest(req); | |
Response=res.getBody(); | |
System.debug('**File temp document id Response:'+Response); | |
// Parse JSON response to get document id. | |
/* | |
{ | |
"type": "document", | |
"id": "2da6cf9261824fb0a4fe532f94d14625", | |
"status": "done", | |
"name": "", | |
"created_at": "2013-08-30T00:17:37Z", | |
"modified_at": "2013-08-30T00:17:37Z" | |
} | |
*/ | |
JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(Response); | |
while (parser.nextToken() != null) { | |
if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME)){ | |
String fieldName = parser.getText(); | |
parser.nextToken(); | |
if(fieldName == 'id') { | |
documentTempid= parser.getText(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
system.debug('*********temp document id:'+documentTempid); | |
} | |
return documentTempid; | |
} | |
public String FindSessionIdForViewingFile(String documentTempid){ | |
Response=''; | |
String fileViewSessionId=''; | |
if(documentTempid!=null && documentTempid!=''){ | |
String fileSessionIdendPointURL=' '; | |
Map<String,String>headers=new Map<String,String>(); | |
headers.put('Authorization', 'Token ' + ViewAPI_Key); | |
headers.put('Content-Type','application/json'); | |
headers.put('Accept','application/json'); | |
String reqBody='{"document_id":"'+documentTempid+'"}'; | |
HTTPRequest req=createHTTPReq(reqBody, fileSessionIdendPointURL, 'POST', headers); | |
//Now send request to fetch files details | |
HTTPResponse res=sendHttpRequest(req); | |
Response=res.getBody(); | |
System.debug('**File temp document id Response:'+Response); | |
Integer statusCode=res.getStatusCode(); | |
System.debug('***statusCode:'+statusCode); | |
String retryDuration=''; | |
if(statusCode==202){ | |
//The document is not ready for viewing. A Retry-After header will be included in the response indicating the time to wait before trying again. | |
retryDuration=res.getheader('Retry-After'); | |
system.debug('****retryDuration:'+retryDuration); | |
//specify fileViewSessionId value as retry if file is not yet ready for viewing | |
fileViewSessionId='retry'; | |
}else if(statusCode==201){ | |
// Parse JSON response to get document id. | |
/* | |
{ | |
"type": "session", | |
"id": "d1425e031062455f909740bb770b95a7", | |
"document": { | |
"type": "document", | |
"id": "ab0dc2d377524f44a98fd1476343637e", | |
"status": "processing", | |
"name": "", | |
"created_at": "2015-06-19T08:35:09Z" | |
}, | |
"expires_at": "2015-06-19T09:35:10.020Z", | |
"urls": { | |
"view": "", | |
"assets": "", | |
"realtime": "" | |
} | |
} | |
*/ | |
String typeId=''; | |
JSONParser parser = JSON.createParser(Response); | |
while (parser.nextToken() != null) { | |
if ((parser.getCurrentToken() == JSONToken.FIELD_NAME)){ | |
String fieldName = parser.getText(); | |
parser.nextToken(); | |
String fieldValue=parser.getText(); | |
if(fieldName == 'type' && fieldValue=='session') { | |
parser.nextToken(); | |
if(parser.getText()=='id'){ | |
parser.nextToken(); | |
fileViewSessionId= parser.getText(); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
system.debug('********typeId:'+typeId); | |
system.debug('********fileViewSessionId:'+fileViewSessionId); | |
} | |
} | |
return fileViewSessionId; | |
} | |
//Method to do call out to Box | |
public HTTPResponse sendHttpRequest(HTTPRequest req){ | |
Http http = new Http(); | |
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req); | |
System.debug('****response body:'+res.getBody()); | |
return res; | |
} | |
//Method to generate HTTPRequest for call out | |
public HTTPRequest createHTTPReq(String reqBody, string reqEndPoint, string reqMethod, Map<String,String> headersMap){ | |
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); | |
req.setEndpoint(reqEndPoint); | |
req.setMethod(reqMethod); | |
if(reqBody!=null && reqBody!=''){ | |
req.setbody(reqBody); | |
} | |
if(headersMap.size()>0){ | |
for(String ss : headersMap.keyset()){ | |
req.setHeader(ss,headersMap.get(ss)); | |
} | |
} | |
req.setTimeout(120000); | |
return req; | |
} | |
//apex class structure to deserialize Folder response JSON | |
public class FoldersInfo{ | |
public String type{get;set;} | |
public String id{get;set;} | |
public String sequence_id{get;set;} | |
public String etag{get;set;} | |
public String name{get;set;} | |
public String created_at{get;set;} | |
public String modified_at{get;set;} | |
public String item_status{get;set;} | |
public String description{get;set;} | |
public itemCollections item_collection{get;set;} | |
public FoldersInfo(){} | |
public FoldersInfo(String type,String id,String sequence_id,String etag,String name,String created_at,String modified_at,String description,String item_status ){ | |
this.type=type; | |; | |
this.sequence_id=sequence_id; | |
this.etag=etag; | |
this.created_at=created_at; | |
this.modified_at=modified_at; | |
this.description=description; | |
this.item_status=item_status; | |
this.item_collection=new itemCollections(); | |
} | |
} | |
public class itemCollections{ | |
public String total_count{get;set;} | |
public List<entry> entries{get;set;} | |
public itemCollections(){} | |
public itemCollections(String count){ | |
this.total_count=count; | |
this.entries=new list<entry>(); | |
} | |
} | |
public class entry{ | |
public String type{get;set;} | |
public String id{get;set;} | |
public String name{get;set;} | |
public entry(String type,String id,String name){ | |
this.type=type; | |; | |; | |
} | |
} | |
//code to upload files to BOX.COM | |
public PageReference uploadFileToBox(){ | |
Response=''; | |
system.debug('****selectedFolder;'+selectedFolder); | |
if(selectedFolder!=null && selectedFolder!=''){ | |
if(uploadContent!=null){ | |
blob base64EncodeFile=base64EncodeFileContent(uploadContent,uploadFilename); | |
//blob fileContent=blob.valueof('test String'); | |
//blob base64EncodeFile=BoxUtility.base64EncodeFileContent(fileContent,'First file Upload'); | |
String uploadEndPointURL=''+selectedFolder; | |
String boundary = '----------------------------741e90d31eff'; | |
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); | |
req.setBodyAsBlob(base64EncodeFile); | |
req.setHeader('Content-Type','multipart/form-data; boundary='+boundary); | |
req.setHeader('Content-Length',String.valueof(req.getBodyAsBlob().size())); | |
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken); | |
req.setMethod('POST'); | |
req.setEndpoint(uploadEndPointURL); | |
req.setMethod('POST'); | |
req.setTimeout(120000); | |
//Send request to Box | |
HTTPResponse res=sendHttpRequest(req); | |
Response=res.getBody(); | |
System.debug('**Files upload Response:'+Response); | |
Integer uploadStatusCode=res.getStatusCode(); | |
if(uploadStatusCode==201){ | |
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'File uploaded successfully.')); | |
}else{ | |
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Error encountered. Status Code;'+uploadStatusCode)); | |
} | |
}else{ | |
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Please select file.')); | |
} | |
}else{ | |
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.ERROR,'Please select folder.'); | |
ApexPages.addMessage(myMsg); | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
//reference : | |
public blob base64EncodeFileContent(Blob file_body, String file_name){ | |
String boundary = '----------------------------741e90d31eff'; | |
String header = '--'+boundary+'\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="'+file_name+'";\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream'; | |
String footer = '--'+boundary+'--'; | |
String headerEncoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(header+'\r\n\r\n')); | |
while(headerEncoded.endsWith('=')) | |
{ | |
header+=' '; | |
headerEncoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(header+'\r\n\r\n')); | |
} | |
String bodyEncoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(file_body); | |
Blob bodyBlob = null; | |
String last4Bytes = bodyEncoded.substring(bodyEncoded.length()-4,bodyEncoded.length()); | |
if(last4Bytes.endsWith('==')) { | |
last4Bytes = last4Bytes.substring(0,2) + '0K'; | |
bodyEncoded = bodyEncoded.substring(0,bodyEncoded.length()-4) + last4Bytes; | |
String footerEncoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(footer)); | |
bodyBlob = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(headerEncoded+bodyEncoded+footerEncoded); | |
} else if(last4Bytes.endsWith('=')) { | |
last4Bytes = last4Bytes.substring(0,3) + 'N'; | |
bodyEncoded = bodyEncoded.substring(0,bodyEncoded.length()-4) + last4Bytes; | |
footer = '\n' + footer; | |
String footerEncoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(footer)); | |
bodyBlob = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(headerEncoded+bodyEncoded+footerEncoded); | |
} else { | |
footer = '\r\n' + footer; | |
String footerEncoded = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(footer)); | |
bodyBlob = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(headerEncoded+bodyEncoded+footerEncoded); | |
} | |
return bodyBlob; | |
} | |
} |
view rawApex Class -BoxAuthController hosted with ❤ by GitHub
<apex:page controller="BoxAuthController" action="{!FindAccessToken}" sidebar="false"> | |
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<td>Folders</td> | |
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view rawVF Page- Boxauthpage hosted with ❤ by GitHub
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